ЕГЭ-3341 — Ответы


Задания 32-38




  1. C) make
  2. B) watching
  3. D) used
  4. C) seek
  5. B) paid
  6. A) tell
  7. C) admit





Edward was finding it hard to sleep. He tossed and turned for some time, then finally got up, put on his dressing gown and slippers, and went downstairs.

Edward wanted to __make__ a call to his lawyer and ask him some questions. He switched on a small lamp in the library and looked at the clock on the mantelpiece. It was two thirty already. Too late.

Opening the French doors, he stepped out onto the terrace and stood for a moment __watching__ the sky. It was a black velvet night with a handful of stars thrown up on the velvet. They glittered like diamond chips. He knew if he walked down the long garden path, he would come to the strip of land where he and his brother __used__ to play many years ago. He loved it on the marsh, but he was not in the mood to go there tonight.

He was troubled, and his mind kept focusing on his family. If only he could __seek__ his friends’ advice… His marriage, his children, his business, all these things he held dear were in jeopardy. It was his own fault. There was no one else to blame. He __paid__ no attention to what his friends had been telling him. In fact, his brother should have been taken in hand years ago. He had been too kind with his brother, too forgiving. His mother had begged Edward to be kind to George, to give George a job. And fool that he was, Edward had done as she asked. To __tell__ the truth, he had made many mistakes with George. And now he would pay for that foolishness. He would lose everything. He had to __admit__ making a fatal mistake.



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