

Упражнение 4


Be going to

Заполните пробелы в правильной форме: am / is / are + going to + инфинитив или am not / is’t / aren’t + going to + инфинитив

(+) для утвердительных предложений, (-) для отрицательных предложений.


1) ________ you ________   ________ (live) in Moscow next year?

2) I ________   ________   ________ (do) my homework after dinner. (+)

3) Who ________ you ________   ________ (travel) to Europe with?

4) Sergey ________   ________   ________ (buy) a new computer game. (-)

5) Nadia ________   ________   ________ (take) her sister to school. (-)

6) Nikita and Anya ________   ________   ________ (get married) next summer. (+)

7) Olga ________   ________   ________ (brush) her teeth after breakfast. (+)

8) ________ you ________   ________ (take) my photo?

9) Who ________ you ________   ________ (call)?

10) Mum ________   ________   ________ (go) shopping today. (-)

11) I ____   ____   ________   ________ (clean) my room today. (-)

12) Igor ____   ________   ________ (walk) to the city centre today. (+)

13) ________ Pavel ________   ________ (play) football tomorrow?

14) ________ Katya ________   ________ (look for) new job?

15) Who ________   ________   ________ (be) the new class president?

16) No one ________   ________  ________ (learn) a new language in one month. (+)

17) I don’t think it ________   ________   ________ (snow) tonight (+)

18) The man said the bus ________   ________   ________ (arrive) on time. (-)

19) Next week, Olga ________   ________   ________ (lie) on a beach all day. (+)

20) Daria ________   ________   ________ (jump) on a trampoline. (+)

21) ________ you ________   ________ (give) that to me?

22) Nikita ________ never ________   ________ (forget) his trip to London. (+)

23) Yegor ________   ________   ________ (ride) his bike today. (-)

24) ________ they ________   ________ (build) a new hotel in the city?

25) What language ________ you ________   ________ (study) next year?