
Упражнение 3


Счетные и неисчисляемые существительные — Вопросительное слово

Заполните поля правильным словом: a / an, some или any


1) Does she want ________ milk?

2) Are there ________ apples on the table?

3) Is there ________ sandwich in my lunchbox?

4) Does Andrei want ________ glass of water?

5) Is there ________ flour in the cupboard?

6) Have we got ________ potatoes?

7) Do you want me to grill ________ hot dog for you?

8) Do you want ________ orange juice?

9) Does Tanya want ________ orange?

10) Did mum eat ________ dessert?

11) Did you put ________ sugar in my tea?

12) Can I have ________ bowl of chicken soup?

13) Did you have ________ bananas for breakfast?

14) Does Pavel have ________ English homework tonight?

15) Can I borrow ________ pencil?

16) Do you want ________ salt on your chips?

17) Did you get ________ emails yesterday?

18) Does Sofia have ________ comb in her bag?

19) Do you know ________ good hotels in Anapa?

20) Did you hear ________ news about the accident?

21) Is there ________ book on the shelf?

22) Did you eat ________ eggs for breakfast?

23) Do you know ________ kids who like computer games?

24) Is there ________ bread in the pantry?

25) Do you have ________ money with you?