
Упражнение 3


настоящее непрерывное время

Заполните пробелы: am + герундий is + герундий или are + герундий   (помните: герундий — это форма глагола + -ing)


1) ________ Galina ________ (talk) on the phone?

2) ________ Sergey ________ (laugh) at the funny story?

3) ________ mum ________ (sleep)?

4) ________ you ________ (drink) tea or coffee?

5) Why ________ the baby _______ (cry)?

6) Why ________ my dad ________ (wear) a suit today?

7) Where ________ they ________ (eat) lunch today?

8) ________ Diana ________ (have) a bath now?

9) ________ I ________ (get) a skateboard for my birthday?

10) ________ you ________ (teach) Andrei how to play chess?

11) ________ Alona ________ (do) her homework in the kitchen?

12) ________ Anna and Vera ________ (listen) to music?

13) ________ Nikita ________ (play) computer games?

14) ________ the children ________ (walk) to school today?

15) What ________ Pavel ________ (write) on the whiteboard?

16) Where ________ you ________ (go)?

17) Why ________ Misha ________ (hide) under his bed?

18) ________ you ________ (fly) to Moscow next week?

19) Who ________ you ________ (wait) for?

20) Why ________ Sveta ________ (run) so fast?

21) ________ Artyom ________ (call) Nikita right now?

22) What book ________ Marina ________ (read) now?

23) ________ you ________ (meet) your friends on Saturday?

24) What song ________ Sofia ________ (sing) at the concert?

25) What ________ you ________ (think) about?